Papers for Codex

Published on 19 April 2021 at 16:24

Dear students,

Codex Historiae, the undergraduate journal of history students at the
VU, is currently working on its summer issue: Religion & Faith. This is
a very broad theme that can be interpreted in countless ways, covering
subjects of all times, all cultures and any type of belief/conviction
you can imagine. We think that everyone at the faculty has something to
say about this subject, so we reach out to all of you.
Have you written (or would you like to write) a paper/article, opinion
piece, review or anything else that is related to this theme, historical
or not? Do not hesitate to send it to before the
5th of May, and you could see your article in the next issue of Codex
Submitted articles must be 500-2500 words in length (incl. footnotes)
and can either be in English or in Dutch. More information about the
requirements can be found in the appendix and our previous issue can be
found on

I look forward to reading your articles!
On behalf of the editors,
Ellen van Heteren

Requirements For Different Types Of Articles In Codex Student Version
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